DUI? Effects of Panax ginseng on blood alcohol
Effects of Panax ginseng on blood… [Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 1987] – PubMed – NCBI: Effects of Panax ginseng on blood alcohol clearance in man. 1. Fourteen healthy male volunteers were studied to assess the effects of Panax ginseng on blood alcohol clearance, utilizing each subject as his own control. 2. At 40 min after…
Libor Rate
Libor Rate-Rigging Scandal Sets Off Legal Fights for Restitution – NYTimes.com: Rate Scandal Stirs Scramble for Damages Most consumer mortgages in the sub-prime market were linked to the Libor at adjustment but due to this conduct remain at a lower rate. So the investor in sub-prime mortgages lost while the borrower benefited. Presumably the tax payers that…
Truck Driving Instructor Awarded $580K
Connecticut Law Tribune: Truck Driving Instructor Awarded $580K After Car Crash: Truck Driving Instructor Awarded $580K After Car Crash Connecticut Law Tribune Monday, April 23, 2012 Copyright 2012, ALM Properties, Inc. Truck Driving Instructor Awarded $580K After Car Crash, Back injuries led to verdict, which was reduced by insurance policy limits By CHRISTIAN NOLAN “Carolyn…
Healthcare Blue Book Personal Injury Cases
share Find prices for treatments, this is a great source for settlement negotiations or even trial reference by searching at healthcarebluebook.com. The Healthcare Blue Book is a free guide to help you determine prices in your area for healthcare services. If are working on a settlement of case, if you pay for your own healthcare,…
How Ordering Your Credit Report Can Help You in Bankruptcy
How Ordering Your Credit Report Can Help You in Bankruptcy Our firm recommends that each of our clients filing for bankruptcy obtain a credit report for the reasons listed below. If you are married, we recommend obtaining credit reports for both you and your spouse. Not every creditor reports debts to a credit bureau, so…
Low Impact Rear End Collision Trial: “Ten Common Myths”
The Trial of the Rear End Collision: “Ten Common Myths” – Law Firm Bay Area Lawyers Network Attorneys San Francisco, California: “The Trial of the Rear End Collision: “Ten Common Myths”” By Albert G. Stoll, Jr. The low property damage rear end collision may result in an injury your client will suffer the effects from…
Lobbyists Get Potent Weapon in Campaign Finance Ruling
Lobbyists Get Potent Weapon in Campaign Finance Ruling – NYTimes.com: “Lobbyists Get Potent Weapon in Campaign Finance Ruling” Lobbyists Get Potent Weapon in Campaign Finance Ruling By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court has handed a new weapon to lobbyists. If you vote wrong, a lobbyist can now tell any elected official that…
Just Prepare or Fully Prepare- McCoy says do focus groups?
These are some clips from a few focus groups. As a lawyer representing a victim you need to know how a jury arrives at the compensation figure, or why the jury decides who is at fault (liability). Everything I learned about the law and lawyering I learned from lawyers. But everything I have learned about…
Propriety of Medicare Set Asides in Liability Settlements
Garretson Firm Resolution Group, Inc.: “MSA White Paper: The Use and Propriety of Medicare Set Asides in Liability Settlements” In all settlements, compliance with Medicare rules and regulations can involve two obligations: i) the satisfaction and discharge of Medicare’s reimbursement claim for injury-related care from the date of injury through the date of settlement; and…