CT Criminal Defense Attorney –
Do you need help because you have been arrested? At the Law Offices of Jason L. McCoy, LLC we are committed to developing an aggressive defense strategy for individuals accused of Misdemeanor, Larceny or Felony, White Collar Crime, Drug Possession or DUI or Drunk Driving. Call the Law Offices of Jason L. McCoy LLC, get a lawyer, let us help and protect your rights. Our fees are reasonable.

What is a DUI in Connecticut? DUI Penalties What is a DUI in Connecticut?
Connecticut General Statute Section 14-227a. Operation while under the influence of liquor or drug or while having elevated blood alcohol content.
Keep these numbers in mind before you get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol: You are considered to be DUI if you register .08 or above on a blood-alcohol test. If you are under 21, you only have to register .02 or over. Blood-alcohol level depends on a lot of factors, including the amount of time between drinks, the amount of food in your body, your weight, and your physical condition. See the charge below as an example.
DUI Penalties
Connecticut has tough mandatory penalties, even for those who are first DUI offenders, which is why you need to have a lawyer who carefully examines the arrest and protecting your rights. First, administrative penalties from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV):
i. Protect yourself with the Law Offices of Jason L. McCoy LLC at your administrative hearing, a loss at the hearing will result in:
- Loss of license for at least 90 days.
- Loss of license for at least six months for refusing to take a blood, breath, or urine chemical alcohol analysis test.
Second, criminal penalties from the state court system apply. These penalties result from a DUI conviction, and are imposed in addition to the administrative penalties from the DMV:
i. First offense: One-year license suspension; six-month jail sentence, with 48 hours mandatory minimum time in jail, or a suspended sentence with 100 hours of community service; fine from $500 to $1,000.
ii. Second offense: One-year license suspension, followed by two years with ignition interlock device (for in-state violations featuring drivers who are at least 21); two-year jail sentence, with mandatory 120 days in jail; 100 hours of community service; fine from $1,000 to $4,000.
iii. Third offense: Revocation of license; three-year sentence with one-year mandatory time in jail; 100 hours of community service; fine from $2,000 to $8,000.
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